About SOLegal

We’re dedicated to helping you learn the Law. It’s so legal.
thoughtful students talk scaled


We are an expert team of legal tutors and coaches, providing customized and comprehensive support for Law undergraduates.

SOLegal is the global legal coaching and tutoring platform that helps Law undergraduates to overcome the challenges of studying Law and attain academic excellence.
At SOLegal, our team of legal tutors and excellence-driven coaches work together to provide student-focused methods in teaching legal concepts.

We’re student-centric
Everything revolves around our students. Your courses, your time, your pace.

One-on-one help
Our tutors and coaches offer directed and individual help, so you can rest assured of maximum assistance.


We’re changing the narrative
Our mission is to change the narrative that studying Law is “too difficult” and to help Law undergraduates excel in their studying of the Law.



We are excellence-driven, so we adopt different methods that work for different students to make each one excel academically.


Our coaches and tutors are guided by patience. We will move on to the next concept only after making sure the previous is understood.


You can trust that we maintain the privacy of any and all information provided to us at the point of onboarding and during sessions.

Are you curious about whether SOLegal can help you?

Feel free to contact us through contact@solegalng.com or by scheduling a call by clicking the button below.