SOLegal Tutoring

We provide one-on-one* tutoring for Law students on a vast range of courses. Our tutoring packages are customizable to accommodate your courses. Sessions are scheduled as you like and are carried out virtually, via videoconferencing.
thoughtful students talk scaled

What is SOLegal Tutoring?

Essentially, legal tutoring involves instructing and teaching law topics. Our online Law tutors go over your course content at your pace, ensuring that you understand the concepts taught.

Features of our Tutoring Packages

virtual learning

How to Benefit from our Tutoring Service

tutor and student

Boost your grades with one of our tutoring packages

PackageDurationNumber of sessionsNumber of coursesAccess to our learning resourcesTest/Exam preparationPrice
1One-off30minutes – 2hours11NoOn request
2Basic1 month4Up to 3 coursesNoYes
3Standard3 months12Up to 5 coursesLimitedYes
4PremiumFlexible, for as long as 6monthsFlexibleUp to 10 coursesUnlimitedYesGet a quote

Are you curious about whether SOLegal can help you?

Feel free to contact us through or by scheduling a call by clicking the button below.