4 Best Law Tutors Online Platforms


Best online Law tutors platform

A good tutor can help students greatly improve their grades. On the other hand, the wrong tutor can cause one to waste time and money. So, it is important to search for the right tutor who is not only knowledgeable of your courses, but also a skillful teacher. But where can you find one of those for Law students? In this article, we consider 4 platforms to find Law tutors online.

4 Platforms to Find Law Tutors Online

The following are platforms where you can find online Law tutors. We’ve saved our favourite for last.

1. Spires.Co Online Law Tutors

Spires law tutors online

Spires allows you access to professional Law tutors who are knowledgeable in their courses. The online tutoring platform has tutors and students in over 30 countries.

An advantage Spires has over some other tutoring platforms is that it interviews and runs background checks on its tutors. The online tutor marketplace offers online tutoring for over 200 subjects including Accounting, Business Management, Economics, English, French, GMAT, IELTS, Law, Medicine, and Psychology.

To get started on Spires, you follow a series of steps starting from Find A Tutor on their menu bar in the Spires homepage. Then, provide information on your level of study, subject, the duration in hours of tutoring that you’d need, and your availability. Once that is done, they would provide the estimated price of your job on the spot.

Next, you are expected to provide details of your tutoring needs and create an account with them. Once your account is created, you are to offer more information, such as your current year in the university, the name of your University, your title/module, and date of exam or deadline for assignment.

Relevant tutors, based on the information you provide, would be contacted and those who want to help will bid on your request. Spires would then send an email notifying you of your tutor match, the first ranked of all who bidded. You can find out more about the tutor and reply the tutor, then proceed to payment and begin your tuition.

Spiresโ€™ tutorials are held on Zoom and communication between student and tutors consists of instant messages, emails, phone calls, video calls and file sharing. Pricing on Spires for a Law undergraduate in Nigeria with flexible availability can range from $45 to $75.

2. Superprof

Superprof law Tutors online platform

The Superprof community was born in 2013 and is now available in 39 countries and 18 languages. It boasts of having over 35 million students. The quality of tutors on Superprof is verified by the students through reviews.

On the menu from the Superprof website, you can Search for a Tutor. Enter a subject and an address or zip to find tutors near you. The Law courses on Superprof include Administrative Law, Business Law, Civil Law, Constitutional Law, Corporate Law, Criminal Law, and Energy Law.

The search results for tutors are of those close to your address and who offer your course. You can compare rates and browse through the tutors in the search results before choosing your tutor. Tutors on Superprof offer their services face-to-face and/or online.

For more specific results, it is best to search for tutors in a Superprof website hosted close to or in your country. For example, Nigerian Law students could use the superprof.ng website. Once you’ve chosen your tutor, contact them and organise your schedule. From there on, it’s between you and your tutor.

3. Law Tutors Online

Online Law Tutors law tutoring platform

Law Tutors Online is a tuition platform by London Law Tutors Ltd., a company registered in England and Wales. Unlike the previous two platforms on this list, Law Tutors Online offers law tuition services specifically for Law students.

Their tutoring is aimed at students preparing for the following degrees and exams โ€“ LNAT, LSAT, LLB, JD, GDL, LPC, SQE, BPTC, QLTS, BTT, NCA Exams, NY Bar Exam, California Bar Exam, Ontario Bar Exam, Multistate Bar Exam, LLM, MPhil and PhD.

As opposed to being a tutor marketplace, Law Tutors Online has its team of tutors who join by application. To get a tutor on the platform, you have to request a quote. After providing necessary details, they will inform you of the fee for your bespoke tutorials.

4. SOLegalNG.com

SOLegalNG online law tutors

Undoubtedly our favourite on the list โ€“ and for obvious reasons โ€“ SOLegalNG.com is a platform that houses online Law tutors and coaches. Tutoring services on SOLegal come in packages that are customizable to fit your needs, courses, and schedule.

Currently, online tutoring services are only available for Nigerian Law students. However, the platform offers free tips and study notes on its blog, as well as coaching services for Law undergraduates from across the world.

Getting started on SOLegal is easy, and involves a quick onboarding process. SOLegal matches you with an in-house tutor, based on the information you provide when signing up for a tutoring service. Tutoring sessions are held online via videoconferencing.

One perk of SOLegal online Law tutors is that each tutoring package comes with access to learning resources and exam/test preparation. Tutoring services are extra affordable on SOLegal, with pricing starting from $10 for one-off sessions and $35 for monthly packages.

Wrapping Up

learning law online

Finding the right Law tutors online can be challenging but it’s not impossible. Platforms such as the four in this article allow you to access online Law tutors, whether freelance tutors registered on their site (as with Spires, Superprof, and Law Tutors Online), or in-house (as with SOLegal). Remember, however, that it’s best to choose a tutor who has a grasp of Law in your jurisdiction.

Before deciding where to sign up for a tutor, be sure to do research and consider the vital factors โ€“ all of which we’ve covered in another article.


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