Final Year Law Student Bucket List: 12 Rewarding Things You Need to Do


Final year law student bucket list

Final Year! As you get to the last lap of your journey as a Law undergraduate, you’re likely excited and can’t wait to get to the finish. Or, you’re exhausted and can’t wait to get to the finish. Studying Law can make you feel both ways, at the same time. Regardless of how being a final year Law student makes you feel, for an all-round experience, there are things you should do before your Law-undergraduate journey ends. And we put together a bucket list for you to work with.

Bucket List for Final Year Law Student

1. Set a GPA goal for the year โ€“ and crush it

The best time to start working hard for a high CGPA is in your first year. However, your grades in Final Year will greatly impact your CGPA.ย 

In some Law Faculties, final year GP makes a substantial part of the student’s CGPA. If that is the case with your Faculty, then you have more reasons to work extra.

Ensure that your goal is realistic. Break down your GP goal (say, for example, you want to make a 4.6), into course goals (what grade do you need to get in each course for you to meet the GP target?). Even further, break your course goals into tests, assignments, and exam score targets.

Write out your goals and targets, plus your planned strategy to meet them. If you keep the prize in mind and work to reach it, you just might surprise yourself by crushing (surpassing) your goal.

Work to reach your goals as a final year Law student

2. Decide which area of Law you want to specialise in

If you have not already, now is the time to decide what your area of specialization would be. Which aspect of Law do you want to center your career on? Criminal law? Corporate finance? Family law?

Also figure out which career you want to pursue in that area โ€“ do you want to practice or teach? Before deciding, ensure you do sufficient research and consider your preferences and strengths. Doing this gives you a sense of direction as a final year Law student preparing to graduate.

3. Register for Law school

While your final exams approach, application for the Nigerian Law School opens. Be sure to stay in touch with notifications from your Faculty and follow instructions on how to apply. Remember, without your BL from Law school, your LLB alone is hardly useful.

4.Apply for an internship

Internships give you an opportunity to get hands-on, practical training, especially if you want to practice as a barrister and solicitor. Even as a final year Law student, you may intern in a Law Firm or the legal department of a corporate firm.ย 

Final year is a good time to apply for internships. Since you’d be swamped with coursework and other activities during the session, apply for internships that you can begin during the semester break or after your final exams but before Law school.

Intern with a Law firm as a final year Law student

5. Attend at least one networking event

Networking opens doors. And you can never have too many connections. Whether or not you’ve attended networking events in your previous years, take advantage of every invite you get to a Law event that allows you to meet colleagues, mentors, and professionals in the legal field.

6. Collect the contact info of your coursemates

After school (and even years after), there’s no telling where and when you’d need the help of your coursemates. Having their contact now would make it easy to reach them in such events.

Besides reaching out for their help, you’d be surprised how many lifetime friendships you can form with your colleagues. So, ensure that before Final Year wraps up, you get the contact info (phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and social media handles) from as many coursemates as you can.

7. Plan your graduation

Even if your school does not organise a yearly graduation, your class likely would have an event โ€“ or series of events โ€“ planned. If so, plan towards attending.

Set money aside, get your dress/suits ready, and prepare to celebrate. And if you’re not going to have a final year Law student week or class party, organise something small for family and a few friends. You just bagged an LLB!

8. Show gratitude

Now that you’re leaving University is a good time to express gratitude to everyone who impacted you positively. This includes your colleagues, roommates, and lecturers. 

Make a list of everyone you intend to thank. You can, then, write a thank you e-mail to your lecturers, give a note, or verbally express your appreciation to everyone on the list. If you can, add a nice and appropriate gift to go along with it.

Thank people who helped you as a final year Law student

9. Go on a campus tour

University grounds can cover acres of land. Most students only know the route from their hostels to their classes and a few other locations. If that describes you, then a campus tour should definitely be on your bucketย  list. To stay safe and for increased fun, go with friends.

10. Explore the city where your school is located

If you school in a city away from home, then you may not have had the opportunity to tour the city. You probably only know school environs. Change that by exploring the city before graduation.

As with a campus tour, go with friends for a better and safer experience. Check out parks, restaurants, and other attractions in the city. And don’t forget to document the adventure.

11. Do something new

It’s time you did something new, especially if you’ve always wanted to do it but you’ve just been afraid to. Before closing the curtains on your undergraduate journey, sit on the aisle you’ve never sat on before. Sign up with a Faculty club. Start a study group. Join the Law Clinic. The list of new things to try is endless. Find one you really want to do and go for it.

12. Document the year!

It’s time you did something new, especially if you’ve always wanted to do it but you’ve just been afraid to. Before closing the curtains on your undergraduate journey, sit on the aisle you’ve never sat on before. Sign up with a Faculty club. Start a study group. Join the Law Clinic. The list of new things to try is endless. Find one you really want to do and go for it.


Graduate as a final year Law student

Schools vary and so do people. Don’t feel pressured to tick off all the items on this list. Instead, feel free to tweak the list to suit your circumstances and preferences. 

One thing is for sure, though, if you can get to do all the things on this list, you’d be better poised for a successful finish as a final year Law student and smoothly transition to Law school.

Ready to have the best (and most fulfilling) Final Year? Grab your Final Year Law Student Checklist here and start crossing off your to-dos.


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