To err is human, right? When you study a professional course like Law, which has strict codes, bulky coursework, and demanding examinations, there seems to be a lot of room to err. Mistakes are unavoidable but the impact of some is so grave that they shouldn’t be made at all. There are several of these mistakes that Law students make, which cost them their grades or make studying challenging for them. But you do not have to make them yourself. In this article, we address three of these mistakes to avoid as a Nigerian Law student.
Avoid These 3 Mistakes as a Law Student
- Going extra with extracurricular activities
- Not developing other skills
- Not having a schedule
1. Going extra with extracurricular activities
Extracurricular activities are great. They are a very productive way to invest your time and energy out of class. Most of the important networking and skill-building that Law students experience occurs while participating in extracurricular activities. But there’s a dangerous side to it. Extracurricular activities do not add to your GP. And if not given a proper place on your priority list, they can negatively impact your grades. Balance is therefore important.
Before committing to or signing up for after-school activities, ask yourself; is this something I can handle along with my school work? Is it possible to do this during the school break instead? Do I have the time, resources, and mental strength to put into this activity without having my grades suffer? Can I afford to add this to the other extracurricular activities I already participate in? The honest answers to these questions would help you decide which activities would be safe for you to join โ not only for the sake of your grades but also for your physical and mental health.
2. Not developing non-legal skills
Non-legal skills such as technical, vocational, and digital skills are a great addition to your Law degree. Especially as a Nigerian Law student since jobs are, sadly, so hard to find. With non-legal skills, you can boost your portfolio and make yourself available for a wide range of opportunities.ย
So, failing to develop any skills while in school is a mistake you should avoid. With so many strike actions (for Law students in public universities), you have ample time to learn a skill and work towards its mastery. Even if you attend a private university, semester breaks give you the perfect opportunity to learn a new skill or hone a skill you already have.
3. Not having a schedule

Many Nigerian Law students (and Law students in general) just leave their academics and school life to chance. That’s one mistake that leaves them regretting, often in their penultimate and final years. To avoid this, having a planned schedule and doing your best to consistently stick to it will help you take charge of your academics.ย
Using planners and journaling is something you can do to schedule and track your classes, study time, and other activities. If possible, get professional help in building effective schedules. When scheduling, remember that you do not have to have everything figured out. Just take note of all major events and programs that you have to attend in a semester, your class timetable, and your personal reading schedule. Once you have that big picture in mind, you can plan each day or week as you go.
Final Thoughts
As highlighted in the introduction above, these are only three out of several mistakes that Nigerian Law students often make. Making the wrong friends, not having the proper student-lecturer relationship, poor networking, and so on, are other mistakes which we delve into elsewhere. By avoiding these mistakes and doing the opposite of them, you’d find that being a Nigerian Law student is not that bad at all. What is more, you can bloom into a refined Law graduate against all odds.